Why do Brilliant Misfits tell the best stories?
An interview with the inimitable Tracy de Groose
“Understanding who you are brings such authenticity and such power and such energy, that your story will be more powerful, because there will be conviction and energy and credibility and belief with it”
At LookUP, Tracy is one of our absolutely favourite people.
Her own story has included being…
marketing lead for some of the UK’s most loved brands
MD of Naked Communications
CEO of Dentsu UK & Ireland
Executive Chair of Newsworks
Deputy Chair of Cancer Research
Founder and Coach at Brilliant Misfits
A qualified Reiki Practitioner
It’s a career packed full of adventures and stories, with many more still to be written.
But each of those moments has been defined by common threads - a love of big, hard problems; a fascination with the art of storytelling; and the ability to bring together and build energy in teams with strong, diverse personalities.
(And also, a fabulous sense of humour!)
All of those threads come together in this interview, which is packed with moments of wisdom!
Here’s 5 things you’ll want to look out for:
Why StoryTelling is the essence of inclusion
How to build jeopardy by defining big, scary problems
Why building character should be like peeling an onion
Why perfect and polished presentation is done in the age of AI
Why sometimes, you need to write with your glitter pen
When we run our StoryTeller workshops, Tracy’s contributions appear at some of the most pivotal moments - because she reminds us that at the heart of great StoryTelling in the modern world is the ability to be, and to show, the bits of ourselves that don’t quite fit.
This interview is exclusive to our paid subscribers. Enjoy!